On the topic of more laundry...I had noticed that my diapers seemed to be leaking. I was changing Sage's pants every time I changed his diaper (oh the laundry!). Anyways, I looked inside and realized that almost all of my diapers were de-laminating (which means that the part that makes it water proof is coming off of the fabric side). I just so happened to complain to the right person and she told me that Fuzzi-bunz now has a life-time warranty!! So I went through this week long process and WA-LA! A complete new stash of diapers! They are the new kind too so the inserts dont stink as much and they dry faster, they also fit much better. I had been using the other fuzzi-bunz for 2.5 years solid..so they really had served their time so I am really grateful!!!
In other news, Sage has 6 teeth and is sleeping much better (although now he is sick and miserable). I on the other hand, cant stop waking at 5:30! The kids dont usually wake until 7:30ish and know that if I get up I can take a shower, get dressed, and chill before they wake. But then Im tired!! But my mind wont let me go back to sleep. But today I slept till 6:30 (woke at 12 bc I think Mike hit me in the facee?? and then 2am with Sage)..so not bad. I dont feel as tired.
Oh, Im also going to organize/help organize MOPS (mothers of pre-schoolers). I LOVE Mops, so if I need to help out to keep it going then so be it! The pastors wife is taking over the children ministry in church and she cant do it anymore. I have a few good ideas..we will see how it goes.
I cooked a meal enough for 10 people this week! We got a ham for christmas so we did that and some other sides, it went off without a hitch! We are doing this thing at church where we meet with a few families of the church at diff. houses each week. We hosted this past week. Fun!
We took away Ness' pacifier, it has been two weeks. The first week we was horrible!! We waited way to long I think. We will do it when Sage is 2 I think. But it is getting better, it had taken him 1 hour to fall asleep and then he would sleep for 1 hour max, but thats all getting better. And hes much happier now that he isnt as sleep deprived.
Ok, gotta go tend to little Sage who is licking my arm getting snot all over me....poor baby...
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