We have done lots of thing since I last blogged...Thanksgiving and Christmas have come and gone, they were VERY busy (as always). So maybe that is a good excuse for not blogging?
I still dont have much time today. But I wanted to give you an album and a few videos, the pictures say what we have been up too. Click on the link and it will take you to our facebook album. Let me know if you cant see them.
Before Christmas:
Baby #2 is "baking" nicely. He seems to be growing like a little weed and I now only have 8 weeks until my due date! Yikes! Time is FLYING! I really hope I can blog again before he comes..because if I dont it will be downright sad!
Ness is also growing like crazy. Not so much in height and weight but his intelligence amazes us every day! We have nothing to compare him to though so..ya know... He can now say: Da (for daddy), Guck (truck), Duck, Ball, Book, Mama (but he refuses to call me mama), Sit (when he wants to sit on something or be held), hat (he says "hat" and then always puts on his dad's hat..he runs around with the to-big hat) and he has other words that he uses for things, we know what he wants but have no idea what he is saying...
He also currently obsessed with books, he has his favorites, and we must read them 7 times a day. The animal book is the one he loves the most. And thats where he learned how to answer the question "What does the ____ say?". He can do it for duck, dog, cat, and sometimes horse. And if he sees a duck he goes crazy and says "Duck" "waak waak"..its rather cute. I am not sure what animals to teach him next..maybe cow? Hes just like a little sponge, its almost scary.
He is starting to learn to feed himself. He is doing pretty good. I think he enjoys it. But I have to watch him when hes done because then he realizes hes dirty and starts to "clean up" which means he brushes it all on the floor...including dishes, but we are trying to stop him from doing this..hes doing better.
Anyways, heres some videos with my new FLIP camera!
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