Howdy! The weather today and yesterday has been AWESOME! I leave the doors and windows open and Ness AND Pokey enjoy it quite a lot. Ness likes to throw things over the babygate onto the back steps..Pokey likes to watch. We have gone for several walks and hope to the weather holds out so we can continue that!
Lets see, Ness has progressed from "walking" to "running". That child is FAST, I have to keep all of the doors that he cant get in (like bedroom and bathrooms) closed because he will be in there in .5 seconds..literally! Yesterday I couldnt find his sippy cup anywhere, well when I went to take a shower..guess where I found it..yes, in the tub! I didnt even know he went in there! Scary! When Evelyn came over to play (pictured above) Ness introduced her to a game he calls "playing in the toilet"...we found him splashing and her watching...I need to get those doors to close automatically! But he is so silly now, he is the happiest baby I have ever met and loves to tell everyone hi (especially older men..not sure why). Now that hes back sleeping good for naps and 13 or 14 hours at night he is insanely happy 95% of the time. He just runs around, smiling, and chatting to himself. I have noticed that he is a wanderer and has no problem playing alone. If you dont keep tabs on him in public you will most likely find him talking to himself and pointing at stuff while being 1.3 miles away (how he moves that fast we will never know).
I have also noticed that he really likes cause an effect, yesterday we went outside to play and he figured out that he could put the rocks in the bird bath and splash them around, then take them out and put them back on the ground...he thought it was a very fun game.
He is IN LOVE with wind chimes, when he hears it or sees he he makes this giant cheesy grin. If he hurts himself Mike will take him outside to see the wind always makes him feel better.
So far Uh-Oh is his mostly used word. He uses it when he hurts himself, when you hurt yourself, when you drop something, when he drops something, and when he knows hes about to drop something... He has looked at Pokey before and said "Buggie"...but that was only once. We cant wait until he grows us so we can ask him what "Dibbles" means..because he says that alot.
A video for you!
We went back to the doctor because they were worried about his non-weight gain. And in 6 weeks he had gained 1 pound and grew 1 inch! I am not surprised though, he has started to drink more whole milk and eat more food (although he is picky and doesn't like to eat in loud situations like parties and restaurants)....he likes "home-cooking" like rice and gravy, baked chicken, steamed carrots and mashed potatoes, and of course he still loves spaghetti.
Michael put in his first bid last week! He was excited about it, since then I think he has done a few more. He doesnt know yet if they got it but I think it was still nice to accomplish something pretty big. He says he likes doing bids, its not mind-less and the time goes by very fast. So thats good!
Our exchange student is still here (until December), I think she likes it. We are going to New Orleans this weekend to look around. (Thanks Mrs. Cindy for babysitting!). Ness will stay here in Baton Rouge, I cant even remember the last time we had a babysitter for him (well, I think it was the day of his birthday). So it will be hard for me to part with him but its good for him, and will be good for me....he doesnt like long days with no naps...
I feel better finally! No more morning sickness, it stopped around 13 weeks, I am 15 now. We will hopefully find out the gender on October 28th (thats the day of the "big" ultrasound). I am nervous for some reason...I know I will be fine if its a boy, I love boys! But there is a part of me that wants to see what a girl is like...and I feel so strongly that it is a girl...anyways, we will find out soon enough!
With the fall weather here I can finally plan on fall activities like going to visit the pumpkin patch and Halloween events. Cant wait!
This is the wonderful dessert I made for our Homemade Pizza Party on Saturday. It was (and is) delicious. But this morning when I went to get some half was gone! We must have a sneak on the loose! And Mikes not a fan of strawberries so I have a good idea of who it I might have to make was that good.
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