So I will give you a general update on each member of our family. Then we can start from now on the blogging.
Me first! Lately I have picked up sewing, I sew all the time. I sew bibs and dolls and pillows and even a skirt! It has sort of become an addiction. The pillows I am making money on (yes!) and I have sold a few bibs but the rest is sort of just for fun. But at least my hobby pays for itself (maybe a tad bit extra!) so thats good. I have lost all of my baby weight but now need to loose about 6 more pounds to be in the perfect healthy weight range. I eat at least one nice healthy salad a day and we walk a good bit so hopefully it wont take to long! We still eat very healthy food, I have become a pro at cooking and shopping for good "real" food. I still make my own bread from time to time but do buy it more now because you just cant make good sandwich bread. I still clean the house completely once a week and keep it up throughout the week. I busy myself with "meetups" and I go to a bible study occasionally (should go more). I have made lots of new friends in Baton Rouge and feel like this is exactly how I want my life right now.
Ok, Michael next. Michael is working at Thornco (with his parents) still. He never complains about it so thats good! He has been keeping busy because his parents bought a house in Florida (yes on the beach!!) and they have needed him to help with things to do with that and the business. And as long as Michael is busy Michael is happy. He is still in the process of getting his teachers cert. but so far nothing/no jobs. He has two job fairs this week, so we will see where that goes..but at this point neither of us are hating the idea of of him staying at Thornco. So we will see what happens...God is in control! He has a new game now and he is able to play online with his friends (Paul, Chester, Daniel...I think thats all), so he does that a good bit. I think the game is StarCraft. But he fits in time to play with his lovely son and thats good. He helps me around the house from time to time and babysits Ness on the weekends so I can get shopping done (its to hard to take him...). He also cuts the grass so that men will stop coming to my door asking to cut it (one downfall to living in such a modge-podge neighborhood). I had TWO guys last week, one came twice! They are nice..but it is also nice to have the yard cut and no one weird coming around. Lets see..anything else about Mikey..?? I think thats all.
Now Ness! Ness is almost 9 months old! Gah! How did he get this old this fast? I dont know! He is so big now, he is crawling like a crazy baby and is in to EVERYTHING. I cant even use the bathroom for 20 seconds without him pulling the ironing board over and smashing Pokey (this happened today). He also LOVES when he can pull himself to standing, he gets so happy and proud of himself. He learned to yell and will do it when hes bored or tired, mostly in the car. Its not a piercing yell so we are all ok. He babbles from time to time but not a lot. He has said mamamama and dadadad, but we know he has no idea what he is talking about. He hasnt had any separation anxiety yet, he will go with anyone but not anyone can get him to smile. He doesnt smile for no reason, hes a thinking and studier, he is not what you would call a "smiley" baby, although he does smile and laugh a good bit. We think of him as a "deep thinker". We will see what he turns out to be. When he gets tired he will hurt himself (not sure if its on purpose) so that he can be held. He is sensitive when it comes to stuff and will cry but is easily distracted or satisfied. He can drink from a cup by himself (but we do help him). He still nurses around 5 to 6 times a day. I attempt to feed him food about 2 times a day but it doesnt always work, he mostly only eats real food at night. His real food is food that we eat (no junk or to much salt) blended up with plain yogurt. He likes food he can hold himself but if he gets any sort of chunk he will gag and throw up...annoying I know. He goes to bed around 7:30 now and is a much happier baby for it (his bedtime used to be MUCH later). If he doesnt have any coughing fits (Im guessing from the teething) he will sleep 12 hours straight, if he coughs I usually feed him when he does and he goes right back to sleep. He takes about two naps (or three) a day, I aim for a total of 4 hours of sleep throughout the day. He has two bottom teeth! They are really cute. His best friend is Pokey, he will crawl a mile to get to Pokey's toys...gross I know and I have to take them away from him constantly. Lets see what else..he already has his kitchen cabinet that I open for him when I am cooking or am in the kitchen.
He's a silly and wonderful boy, couldnt ask for a better baby!
Pokey. Pokey is and always will be Pokey. Michael is just as crazy about him as the day we bought him, and now Ness is as well. Neither of them care about stink. He is good with Ness, never hurts him and will stay by his side from the min he wakes till he goes to sleep. He is a very playful yet gentle dog, dont know how we ended up with the perfect dog for kids but we did! Pokey can be high maintenance if you disrupt his daily life but for us hes a good dog.
Huey and Luey. These are chickens, they hang out at our back door ALL day. Not sure why, one of them also will come in, VERY annoying. I have to sic Pokey on them..hehe. They lay two eggs a day and we almost have to many eggs. We havent bought eggs since we got how that works. Pokey plays with them, he chases them, they chase him, its all about harmony.
And the family. As most of you know we now live in a rental home. Its better than the last one but we are getting very tired of renting and dealing with renting related issues. I think our next step is to buy a house once we know where Michael will work. Then we will buy a house near his work. Um, we went to Healing Place on Sunday and it was nice, I LOVED their nursing mothers room...I had to spent my whole time there..but they had a big TV with the sermon on it so that was great! They even had cold water and stuff..awesome!
Well thats enough for now, I will give you some pictures for your viewing pleasure.

(ABOVE) This is Ness before his haircut. This was also before his hair turned gross.
(BELOW) This is Ness after his haircut..little man!

We took ness to the park and he LOVED the swings! He was laughing like crazy.

This was shepards pie we had, it was really good. And strawberry spinach salad (that we have been eating for a long time)

This is Ness's version of the shepards pie! YuM!

This is my newest favorite picture of Ness, its even on my desktop.

We took ness to Earth Day but he was tired and even the water fountain made him cry...

Daddy trying to tell him its all ok, he wasnt buying it.

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