So this weeks mission is for us all to have healthy breakfasts. I have always done well with dinner and ok with lunch but have fallen short with breakfast. I always had eggs and toast and de-caf. coffee but Ness and Michael had cereal and milk. I was worried most about Michael because he eats breakfast so early and then gets no more nutrition until lunch. Sooo, after talking to a friend I decided to make him 5 broccoli quiches that I could freeze and pull out and then he toss into the toaster oven while he takes a shower. (He wont eat something microwaved). Anyways, if Sage hadnt been sleeping from 7 to 5 am (nurse then go back to bed) the quiches would have been forgotten. So this week when I was up at 5 am I would wake for Mike to wake and then remind him about his quiche. After about 3 days, he remembered on his own (yay!). Anyways, it has been successful! He likes them and I will make another batch for next week.
So I got THE BEST birthday present this year...New Floor!!!!!! My second best was a gift card to Ann Taylor and a date night out with my ol' husband. Third best is that Sage started MOVING AROUND THE FLOOR! He is army crawling, but moving none-the-less!
Before, this carpet was so nasty, even worse under the carpet..ugh!
On other words, our church has a church garden and we are hoping to plant soon! I am excited, the church is literally 3 min. away. I am hoping to be able to feed our family from produce we grow. Fun right?