Sooo..this was Halloween week! We did trick or treating, went to the fair, and all sorts of fun stuff! I also made Ness's Thanksgiving and Christmas outfits (the christmas one has pants but I didnt get a picture). I am VERY proud of the turkey...VERY proud...so proud I may make him start wearing it now! For the christmas one I thought about getting "Merry Christmas" monogrammed on the bottom, I will see today how much that costs (when I go to get a bag monogrammed).

Ness trick or treating from a guy in a robe . He just doesnt understand why they are giving him candy..although he does like to eat the candy (dont worry, we limit it big time). He feel on his face in the very beginning which threw of the "air" of the entire trip but it was still fun. The neighborhood was PACKED with kids. Next year will be more fun for Ness I am sure though.

Getting ready to head out, check out charlies costume! I made it for pokey, but we forgot pokey...so charlie wore it long enough for the picture...it kept falling.

SUPERMAN! He was being goofy (imagine that) and let me get this picture which I LOVE.

The start of his "muscle" face.

This is at the fair. They had a really nice petting zoo (although it may not have been nice a few days into the fair..lol). Ness enjoyed petting the goats.

Sheep! (right?)

And he LOVED the carousel, after he rode it and would see it again he would point to go back. And just as we were going back they closed it for a little while...sad. Maybe next year!?

We are enjoying life with a 15 month old/aka Ness. He is so funny sometimes, and I am learning that he has no problem being the center of attention and might actually enjoy it. He is also passive, if a friend takes away a toy, he finds another. Non-aggressive and super silly. And he is still tactile, LOVES to play with small things, just pick them up, put them back. He is not destructive, and although he "reads" books all day he has never torn one up. Sweet kid.
Speaking of sweet kids...we went to have our ultrasound last week and we found out its ANOTHER BOY! I was shocked out of my mind, I made her check again and again. This little boy didnt give us any good shots though (ness was giving cute pictures) and made it difficult to see all his little parts. I thought I might be a little sad, but really I am excited. I dont have to buy ANYTHING and I Ness will get a new bed-set (that I make) and room for christmas (we plan to paint it and decorate). The new baby will used Ness's old set. We found another bed on craigslist for $125, its just as nice as Ness's and his was $400! We also found a $125 stroller for $15! I cleaned it up and it will look like new! AND it holds a carseat, that is the best feature, I always wished that I had a stroller to hold Ness's carseat...there were times we would strap it on with bungee cords (not the proudest moment as parents..lol). But I am glad I waited, bc had I bought a single I would have just had to buy a double a few months later.
Anyways! I think I need to eat some breakfast before the family wakes up and demands food.
I leave you with Cute-Nesses for everyone!