Welll...maybe its been more than one week. But still progress! Better than no posting in a month! This week we tried out a "vegetarian" diet. I am trying to think of ways to save money AND be very healthy. We had multiple vegetables every day. It was quite nice. Above is "roasted veggies"..and they were just as wonderful as they look. Mrs. Cindy (my mother-in-law) makes this all the time..and it was so easy we will definitely do it again. We did have some meat. I had a REALLY good roast that I had made last week, I froze the leftovers and we had that over rice one day (along with the roasted veggies).

Above is a vegetable soup I made, it has about 5 vegetables in it. I cooked them all, blended them up, added some whole milk and cheddar cheese and WALA, delicious soup! I pulled out my bread machine, made some homemade bread and we called it a meal. It was great. And we didnt get hungry later. So that was nice. And Ness LOVES bread and vegetables (I kept his whole so he could pick them up and eat them) so he was happy too.

The two "men" in my house are chocolate nuts. And I found this AWESOME blog (
www.themuffinmyth.com) that has all sorts of healthy ideas. This was one of them. These are zucchini chocolate muffins. They were supposed to have quoina (darn! cant spell it!) in them but instead I put pureed sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and pears (leftover baby food). It was good, although Ness liked them more than Michael...

And last but not least, this was my attempt at making "cheese-nips". They tasted fine to me..but good old OCD Michael didnt like them. I told him had I cut them into squares and dyed them orange he would have eaten them (and he would have!). Oh well, old habits die hard...hey, maybe if I put a carrot in them...hmmm.....
Ok, before you get worried. I KNOW I need protein. We all do. And we do eat some meats. But next week I am going to try hard to make sure we get protein other places as well as in the little meat we do eat. Like beans, nuts, eggs...I will keep you updated.
But on the plus side, Michael and I had our blood tested for life insurance and we are both as healthy as horses! yay!

Above is my little helper. We got this pumpkin from the pumpkin patch. The website I mentioned above told us how to "process" it..so that's what we did. We now have 4 bags of pumpkin in the freezer. I am not sure what I will do with it (besides muffins and soup) but it will be something delicious!

This is the parade we went to. Ness was sleepy but did well. He had to be held tightly during the loud parts but he loved the beads.

Look at these cute sneakers! I found them in a box labeled "boys shoes" in my shed. I didn't think they would EVER fit him...so cute!

Ok, so Ness's hair was getting a little bit out of control. I had been putting off cutting it (for the 4th time!) but then I thought of a brilliant idea! This is what I came up with. It worked like a charm, he didnt even look up while I cut his hair, no mess-ups!

Afterward he took a dunk in the Halloween bin, he thought this was pretty fun too. Then he ran around the yard naked for about 15 min.

Last picture! Healing Place has this super park open to the public! Ness (and Michael) LOVED it! It was very clean and wonderful. We will go again.
Soo..what else. Next Thursday is our big "anatomy scan", yes, we will find out the gender then. I am more nervous than excited. BUT I did start to feel baby move last week so at least I know her/his heart is still beating! I guess whatever news we get we will be able to handle (gender, anatomy issues, etc) but keep us and baby #2 in your prayers!
My business is doing well still...I had a few weeks off but its picking up now..so thats good!
Well, thats all I can think of at the moment....have a great weekend!
Of course I wont forget the "cute-ness"!