Oh MAN! I know I say this a lot, but its true, we are so busy! Ness is growing up before our very eyes and I always feel like we are doing something! My sewing slowed for one day (yesterday) and although I SHOULD have sewn some things for when they are ordered I instead did other things like sweep the floor. But today I picked up about 9 chairs that I have to recover. There are many more where those came from. So that will start tomorrow I think because tonight I will sew. I drew a pattern for this super duper diaper bag and I am dying to try it out. This will be my biggest "design" yet, I have drawn patterns before but nothing this advanced..so we will see! Yesterday it hit me that Ness's birthday party is like 4 weeks away..aye! So I spent yesterday getting pictures printed for his birthday and today I went and got the supplies to make his invitations. His party is August 7th, at our house! I took these corn pictures because we are having corn on the cob and spaghetti which are two foods that Ness REALLY enjoys (you can see from the pictures). Below are some pictures of the nutty Ness, hes personality is really coming out..not sure if all of it is roses and sunshine...lol. We know hes VERY happy after he wakes from his nap, but then his mood slowly declines and he becomes more needy as his next naptime approaches. But he may be cutting teeth so that may be why hes been whiny too. He is also still doing the "sleepy biting"..he bites your shirt (or skin) if he gets tired..its so weird. He has only gotten my skin about 3 times but that was enough to make sure I nip this biting thing in the bud..but so far, no success.
Oh, also over the weekend he got a TERRIBLE rash, like make you cry terrible (which led to a few sleepless nights). I finally figured out that the cloth diapers having build up are what had caused it...so he is in paper diapers..its so weird for him to have such a skinny butt! But he only wore them during naps and at night during the day he was free as a bird! The rash is almost gone so I am now trying to rid the diapers of all buildup..they are soaking in boiling water as I type this.
Enjoy these next nutty ness pictures...he looks so old!!
Oh-today he learned how to stick out his tongue on command, he raises his hands up, or just raises one hand up, to point at the fan or light, he clearly says mama and bye bye (while waving)...and thats all for now I think...

Bananas and chocolate! Look how skinny he looks! He hasnt gained weight (still) and is almost 30 inches tall so he is growing!

For our summer vacation we went to Pensacola where Michael's family has a house, it was very nice even with the oil... This is a quick pic while talking the dogs out.

These pictures are always out of order. But I finally have labels! I love them! I had to sew a great deal on our vacation because I would have been REALLY behind, and I am really glad I did because even with sewing on vacation I still had a lot to do...

Ness with his Momo Lorene.

Quick family picture!


You can see that the sun is on its way down..as it goes down the inside of the house becomes blinding, you literally need sunglasses..but it was fun!

Ness enjoyed having his rear sprayed in the outdoor shower after his swim.

Gran-C bought Ness this cute bathing suit! Finally! No nasty sunscreen! She got him a hat too but we cant figure out how to keep it on his head...

Oil on the beaches..yuck...

This is the house, isnt it a beauty?

Right before our vacation my sister had her baby girl. I got to be there for the c-section, it was quite amazing. Her is Bronwen, still cheesy!

Dr. Melissa!

Anyways, hows that for a quick update? I probably should go iron...ok...adios!