First off, above is Ness 3 months ago. Look how much he has changed!! In the picture below he is 10 months (now 10.5). His personality hasnt changed, just intensified. He is still a very curious, mischievous yet quiet little boy. He is still a pretty picky eater, although he has NEVER said no to Miso Soup and water (just about everything else he has rejected at one time or other). He is not the biggest fan of cuddling but he does like to stay near and be as close to your feet as possible. Hes a pacifier thief (his mean mama only lets him have his at bedtime/naptime) and will steal a pacifier from another innocent baby in a matter of seconds. He also is a fan of glasses and mustaches. He is VERY smart (of course this is his mama talking), he can pick up on something very quickly (if he feels like it of course). For instance he learned how to suck from a straw in just a few tries and he can even blow on the Ocarina loud enough to make music! Today I taught him how to make a squeaky noise with the pacifier...now if I ever tried to show you these tricks, he, of course, wouldnt do them...not a performer thats for sure!

And the BIGGEST NEWS OF ALL...WE BOUGHT A HOUSE! It was the spur of the moment but this house was way to good of a deal to pass out. And we havent regretted it for one second. Its basically everything we wanted (and more!). Its beautiful. And our neighbors have a baby about 2 weeks older than Ness..perfect! Also we got our electricity bill in today...it was $13 for 11 days! At the old house our first electricity bill was $150 for 11 days (and thats WITH us being cold and uncomfortable). Anyways, here she is..isnt she a beauty!?

Last news, Michael is now 27 years old! I made a german chocolate cake from scratch (Im about to go eat a piece now!) and it was AMAZING (if I do say so myself). And his parents took us out for sushi and it was delicious! He is also getting and ipad from them...but they are sold out now.
Anways, I HAVE to keep up with this blog!
Oh, my sewing business has just about "taken off"...Im am almost at the point where I cant take on any new projects..yay!